Ken Muse
Have It Your Way - The Magic of dotfiles
Did you know that you can have your favorite environment configurations follow you wherever you go, including into Development Containers and Codespaces? All of your environments can reflect your personal preferences through the power of a dotfiles Git repository.

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Bicep and APIM Template Not Found
Bicep continues to make it easier to create ARM templates … until you have a bad service schema. Here’s how to resolve a Template Not Found error with Bicep and APIM templates.

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Fixing APIM Tags - Name Should Not Be Empty
Creating Tags for APIM using infrastructure-as-code with Bicep should be simple. So why do we get a “Name should not be empty” error? More importantly, let’s discuss how to fix it.

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Containers and the WSL2 File System
If you’re using Visual Studio Code and Dev Containers without working in the right filesystem, you’re missing out on a lot of performance! Learn the right place to keep your files!

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Dev Containers, Codespaces, and Bicep, Oh My!
Development Containers and Codespaces bring infrastructure-as-code to developer environments. This post walks through creating a container for editing and deploying Bicep templates to Azure.

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