Ken Muse
Configuring macOS Notarization

Configuring macOS Notarization

With the release of Apple Silicon came new requirements for distributing console applications. If you want to get past Gatekeeper, your console applications will need to be notarized. Today we’ll explore how you setup your environment to be able to notarize applications to support signing console applications (including .NET).

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Creating Visual Studio Code Extension Packs
Ever wished that you could encapsulate some recommendations or best practices for Visual Studio Code and make them available to your team? Then perhaps it’s time you considered creating an extension pack to organize and distribute those recommendations!

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Adopting a Dark Theme in Hugo
I decided it was time to modernize my Hugo-based site just a bit further. This week, I implemented a dark theme in SCSS. I used a simple trick to make it easier for me to update the look-and feel.

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Running Hugo in macOS Dev Containers
Moving to Apple Silicon can introduce challenges if you’re using x64-based containers. Sometimes, emulation is the answer. When it’s not, we can combine some Docker features with some bash scripting to create an optimized container that works well for both platforms.

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