Ken Muse
My Experience Migrating to Hugo
So, once again, it was time to switch by blog platform engines. Learn about my experience migrating to Hugo for static site development.

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Introduction to the Modern Data Warehouse
Trying to learn how to manage cloud scale data? Read the first of a series of articles walking through the principles of the MDW architecture.

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Restricting Azure App Services to Azure Front Door
Learn how to secure your website by automatically configuring your App Services to require incoming traffic to use Azure Front Door.

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Understanding ARM Templates _artifactsLocation
A lot of people are not familiar with the variable _artifactsLocation in their ARM templates. In this post, we’re going to shed some light on this subject.

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ARM Templates and Cloud Init

ARM Templates and Cloud Init

It’s easy to utilize inline Cloud-Init in your ARM templates to configure your site. But how do you develop and deploy if the file is not embedded?

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