Ken Muse
Ruby for the .NET Developer

Ruby for the .NET Developer

If you’re trying to understand the syntax of Ruby, sometimes it helps to compare it with something you already know!

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Notarizing .NET Console Apps for macOS
Continuing with our exploration of macOS notarization, today we’ll explore how to sign and notarize .NET console applications. Along the way, I’ll also show you the secret to making universal (“fat”) binaries for your application.

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Custom .NET Item Templates

Custom .NET Item Templates

Part of DevOps is supporting the people and processes with the right tools. There is one tool that is particularly powerful for organizations — reusable templates that make it easy to share best practices for new files and projects. In today’s post, we’ll explore creating a template that uses dotnet new to package and distribute a file.

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Scaling Legacy .NET Web Forms on Azure
Not every application is running on the latest frameworks or newest technologies. Sometimes, that we have to move a legacy application to Azure. Let’s explore the secrets to making it perform and scale appropriately with modern cloud hosting technologies.

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