Ken Muse
Using Azure Run From Package
In last weeks post, I mentioned that there are ways to modernize Function apps. In truth, most App Services support an improved model for deploying your code — the deployment package. Learn to use ‘Run From Package’ to improve your Azure App Service deployments.

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Azure Function Trigger Syncing
Sometimes continuous deployment of the code is just not enough to update your Azure Function. The symptoms are simple enough — triggers stop working or the Function stops scaling. In these cases, you need to make Azure aware of the changes. You may need to synchronize.

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Bicep and APIM Template Not Found
Bicep continues to make it easier to create ARM templates … until you have a bad service schema. Here’s how to resolve a Template Not Found error with Bicep and APIM templates.

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Fixing APIM Tags - Name Should Not Be Empty
Creating Tags for APIM using infrastructure-as-code with Bicep should be simple. So why do we get a “Name should not be empty” error? More importantly, let’s discuss how to fix it.

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Connecting Azure APIM and AppInsights Using Bicep
It can be a bit tricky to create a Bicep template for Azure APIM Management to connect a Logger to Application Insights. Today’s post explores how to make that work (and how to do it with an Azure Key Vault).

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