Ken Muse
Understanding Kubernetes Resource Consumption
Surprised that you can’t fit as many pods on a node as you thought? Wondering why a node with 32 GiB of memory can’t hold four 8 GiB pods? It turns out that there’s a lot more to the story of how Kubernetes allocates resources. In this post, you’ll learn how resources are allocated and how to use that to plan your cluster.

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The Ultimate Debugging Hack for Developers
Developers usually want to be able to directly connect to a system, start the debugger, and step their way through the code. Being able to log into a machine and debug is the way most of us learn to troubleshoot and fix issues. But what if you can’t do that? And what if I told you there’s a better way to debug?

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Scaling ARC on a Schedule
In the past, ARC has a feature that enabled it to change the minimum number of runners based on a schedule: ScheduledOverrides. When ARC was modernized, this feature was not included in the new version. This isn’t an oversight. Instead, it’s a recognition that Kubernetes has a built-in feature that can handle this task: CronJob. Learn how to use the CronJob resources to change the settings for ARC scale sets on a schedule.

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How I Blog (or How I Learned to Automate Everything)
A surprising amount of effort (and automation) goes into creating this blog and publishing the content. Writing and hosting content required me to find a set of tools that would be portable and flexible. Over the last few years I’ve found an approach that works for me, and this week I thought I’d share some of the details.

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The Top 5 Things To Know About ARC
Actions Runner Controller (ARC) is a powerful way to manage ephemeral, self-hosted GitHub runners. If you’re considering ARC or starting to deploy it, there are five key things to know if you want to be successful using it.

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