Ken Muse
Mastering the Jest TestEnvironment Event Types
Continuing the topics from my last post, this week I want to offer a deep dive into the lifecycle of a Jest TestEnvironment by exposing the events that are raised when tests are run. I’ll also explore some of the details that are included with each event.

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A Crash Course on Jest TestEnvironments with TypeScript
I needed a way to implement integration tests that would allow me to ensure that I could clean up the emulators I was using after each test cycle. Jest Test Environments provided a powerful way to do this, and TypeScript makes it easy to do (aside from a few quirks).

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Implementing Processes for GHAS using GitHub Probot
GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) helps teams to shift left and secure their development practices. But what do you do when its process its processes and practices doesn’t quite fit your team’s approach? In this post, we’ll look at how to use GitHub Probot to implement your own process in a GitHub-native way.

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The Ultimate Tips for Working With Large Git Monorepos
As a monorepo grows in size, the performance often degrades. It’s the nature of Git. Thankfully, Git has some settings that you can use to improve the performance of your monorepo. This post covers some of the key settings and best practices for working with large monorepos.

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Planning Kubernetes Cloud Deployments
Last week we built an understanding of how Kubernetes reserves resources on a node. This week we’ll look at how cloud providers configure the resource reservations for their Kubernetes offerings.

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