Ken Muse

Building GitHub Runner Images With an Action Archive Cache

Last week was busy with the Atlanta Cloud Conference and other activities. As a result, this week you are getting two posts. 😄

In the previous post, I discussed how to cache tools on your images. That’s not the only frequent download a runner deals with. Each time a job is started, the runner’s first responsibility is to identify all of the Actions required for it to run. Each uses is parsed to identify the owner, repo, and version being requested. If that version is not a SHA, it is resolved to one. Finally, the runner downloads all of the Actions it needs and sets up a folder for each of those. This last step is the focus of today’s post.

If you have thousands of runs, that means you’re running all of those processes thousands of times, downloading the contents of multiple repositories each time. That can push your network consumption (and in extreme cases, might even lead to some rate limiting from the GitHub APIs).

If you review the runner logs, you can often see this happening. For example, this shows actions/checkout@v4 being retrieved and stored in the runner’s temp folder:

1[WORKER INFO ActionManager] Request URL: X-GitHub-Request-Id: 0402:176F:F19925:13D01E4:66074592 Http Status: OK
2[WORKER INFO ActionManager] Save archive '' into /home/runner/_work/_actions/_temp_1c9c7acd-7360-455c-8d1c-f1c911dfa451/778dc262-94d4-4c5e-bc64-33b9bd9d6505.tar.gz.

Thankfully, there is a way to optimize this process. Although GitHub services still needed to resolve the specific Actions and SHAs, the repository download can be avoided. Before downloading the repository for an Action, runners first look for a special folder to determine if the required files are locally available.The runner uses the environment variable ACTIONS_RUNNER_ACTION_ARCHIVE_CACHE to discover this folder. That folder contains cached Actions, with the files organized using the naming contention {owner}_{repository}. For example, actions/setup-python becomes actions_setup-python. Multi-part names, such as actions/codeql/init (where the additional parts represent folders) are cached using just the owner and repository. That optimizes the storage since Actions from the same repo will be stored just once.

Each of these Action folders contains files in the form {SHA}.{compression}. The compression format is zip for Windows and tar.gz for Linux. Each file represents a specific Git ref, indicated by the SHA value. For example:

2│   ├── 0066b88440aa9562be742e2c60ee750fc57d8849.tar.gz
3│   ├── 0a5c61591373683505ea898e09a3ea4f39ef2b9c.tar.gz
4│   ├── 0c28554988f6ccf1a4e2818e703679796e41a214.tar.gz
5│   ├── ...

Each of these SHAs represents a specific commit to that repo. For example, you can see the first Python ref here.

Python Action commit entry

This corresponds directly to the tag, v2.3.0:

Python Action tag

If the runner can find the Action and SHA it requires in the cache folder, it will unpack the compressed file rather than downloading a copy from the repository. This can improve the performance of the runner and reduce network activity. GitHub hosted runners take advantage of this. They include the most frequently used Actions (such as actions/checkout and actions/setup-node) on the image. GitHub needs to save costs too, right?

That leads us to the next topic – creating your own cache.

Building a Cache

You could iterate through the tags, download the code, and configure a complete repo by hand. You could use the Repo Content APIs to download archives for specific repository refs. Thankfully, that work has already been done as part of building the GitHub hosted runner images. Those scripts are available from We’ll take advantage of that.

First, we need to download those scripts. Then, we need to add Actions to the cache.

 1- run: |
 2   cd ${{ runner.temp }}
 3   curl -sL -o
 4   unzip
 5   cd action-versions-main/script
 6   ./ actions/setup-java
 7   ./ actions/download-artifact
 8   ./ actions/setup-node
 9   ./
10   mv ${{ runner.temp }}/action-versions-main/_layout_tarball ${{ github.workspace }}/action-archive-cache
11   rm -rf ${{ runner.temp }}/action-versions-main   

Notice that we call for each Action we want to cache. The script captures all of the available versions, so there’s no need to include a version specifier. This is done so that all of the versions of that Action are available on the runner. All of our top Actions are already prepared as part of this script. If you want to ensure the latest version is available (in case things have changed), call If the Action is already present, will throw an error to indicate you should use the update process. You can see the list of top Actions here.

When all of the Actions have been configured, then it’s time to call to download the packages and create the archive cache folders. Because of the amount of data being transferred, this process can take quite a while and require a surprising amount of disk storage. At the end of the process, two master archives are created: action-versions.tar.gz and These archives contain everything needed for our archive. These will be placed in the _layouts folder (in the script above, that means ${{ runner.temp }}/action-versions-main/_layout). That folder will also contain a copy of all of the Actions packages in zip and tar.gz format.

The _layout folder

There are also two other folders created. The _layout_zipball folder contains just the structed .zip archives for Windows. The _layout_tarball folder contains the structured .tar.gz archives for Linux. At the end of the script above, I’m moving the Linux folder to make it easy to use with the Dockerfile. If I needed to use multiple runners, then I would use actions/upload-artifact to store the compressed archives for later use.

Finally, I remove all of the files created by this process. This helps to minimize how much space is consumed on the runner. Remember, this process results in quite a few large archive files being created.

The Dockerfile

If you’re using the workflow we built in the last post, you’ll want to modify the Dockerfile for your runner image:

2ENV ACTIONS_RUNNER_ACTION_ARCHIVE_CACHE=/home/runner/action-archive-cache
3ENV ACTIONS_TOOL_CACHE=/home/runner/actions-tool-cache
4COPY --link --chown=1001:123 tools $ACTIONS_TOOL_CACHE
5COPY --link --chown=1001:123 action-archive-cache $ACTIONS_RUNNER_ACTION_ARCHIVE_CACHE

The archive cache folder is created by copying the files from the current workspace. To make it discoverable by the runner, the environment variable ACTIONS_RUNNER_ACTION_ARCHIVE_CACHE is added to the image definition.

It’s important to know that the runner expects to find tar on the system path. This is included in the base image provided by GitHub. If you’re creating your own image, make sure to include tar and gzip.

Putting it all together

If we combine these scripts with the tools cache workflow from the previous post, the results look something like this:

  2 # Your triggers here
  5  create-tool-cache:
  6    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  7    steps:
  9      ## Remove any existing cached content
 10      - name: Clear any existing tool cache
 11        run: |
 12          mv "${{ runner.tool_cache }}" "${{ runner.tool_cache }}.old"
 13          mkdir -p "${{ runner.tool_cache }}"          
 15      ## Run the setup tasks to download and cache the required tools
 16      - name: Setup Node 16
 17        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
 18        with:
 19          node-version: 16.x
 20      - name: Setup Node 18
 21        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
 22        with:
 23          node-version: 18.x
 24      - name: Setup Java
 25        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
 26        with:
 27          distribution: 'temurin'
 28          java-version: '21'
 30      ## Compress the tool cache folder for faster upload
 31      - name: Archive tool cache
 32        working-directory: ${{ runner.tool_cache }}
 33        run: |
 34          tar -czf tool_cache.tar.gz *          
 36      ## Upload the archive as an artifact
 37      - name: Upload tool cache artifact
 38        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
 39        with:
 40          name: tools
 41          retention-days: 1
 42          path: ${{runner.tool_cache}}/tool_cache.tar.gz
 45    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
 47    ## We need the tools archive to have been created
 48    needs: create-tool-cache
 49    env:
 50      # Setup some variables for naming the image automatically
 51      REGISTRY:
 52      IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.repository }}
 54    steps:
 56      ## Checkout the repo to get the Dockerfile 
 57      - name: Checkout repository
 58        uses: actions/checkout@v4
 60      ##############################################
 61      ## Build the tool cache
 62      ##############################################
 64      ## Download the tools artifact created in the last job
 65      - name: Download artifacts
 66        uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
 67        with:
 68          name: tools
 69          path: ${{github.workspace}}/tools
 71      ## Expand the tools into the expected folder
 72      - name: Unpack tools
 73        run: |
 74          tar -xzf ${{github.workspace}}/tools/tool_cache.tar.gz -C ${{github.workspace}}/tools/
 75          rm ${{github.workspace}}/tools/tool_cache.tar.gz          
 77      ##############################################
 78      ## Build the Actions archive cache
 79      ##############################################
 80      - run: |
 81          cd ${{ runner.temp }}
 82          curl -sL -o
 83          unzip
 84          cd action-versions-main/script
 85          ./ actions/setup-java
 86          ./ actions/download-artifact
 87          ./ actions/setup-node
 88          ./
 89          mv ${{ runner.temp }}/action-versions-main/_layout_tarball ${{ github.workspace }}/action-archive-cache
 90          rm -rf ${{ runner.temp }}/action-versions-main          
 92      ##############################################
 93      ## Build the image
 94      ##############################################
 96      ## Set up BuildKit Docker container builder
 97      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
 98        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
100      ## Automatically create metadata for the image
101      - name: Extract Docker metadata
102        id: meta
103        uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
104        with:
105          images: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}
107      ## Log into the registry (to allow pushes)
108      - name: Log into registry ${{ env.REGISTRY }}
109        if: false
110        uses: docker/login-action@v3
111        with:
112          registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}
113          username: ${{ }}
114          password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
116      ## Build and push the image
117      - name: Build and push Docker image
118        id: build
119        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
120        with:
121          context: .
122          push: true
123          tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
124          labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}

The end result should be an image that has the latest runner code and cached copies of the tools and Actions that are most frequently needed. Because they are included in the image, the storage will be shared across all of the runners. This helps reduce the storage requirements for your Kubernetes instance.

If you’re building large images (for example, you want to include the CodeQL runtime), you’ll need more space available. At the time of this article, standard hosted runners provide 14 GB of storage. The process of downloading and compressing copies of files will quickly consume this space. If that happens, the larger hosted runners are available and provide 150 GB - 2064 GB of storage.

If you’re wanting to build these images entirely using your own ARC cluster, you will likely need some additional tools. The build scripts utilize multiple command line tools, and not all of those are present on the base ARC image. As a result, you may need to add some CLI applications to your image (at build time or runtime).

The results

Checking the logs from any runner will show the download message is now gone. Instead, the logs show this:

1[WORKER INFO ActionManager] Check if action archive 'actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11' already exists in cache directory '/home/runner/action-archive-cache'
2[WORKER INFO ActionManager] Found action archive '/home/runner/action-archive-cache/actions_checkout/b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11.tar.gz' in cache directory '/home/runner/action-archive-cache'

The runner is successfully taking advantage of the Actions archive cache, so those Actions are no longer downloaded.

Happy DevOp’ing!