Ken Muse

Wrapping Up 2022 (and Looking Forward to 2023)

It’s incredible how fast the time flies! It seems like only yesterday that the year was starting and now it’s coming to a close! During that time, I’ve started a new job, traveled to Puerto Rico with my wife for the first time, said goodbye to friends and family, welcomed new family members, and so much more. Professionally, it’s been a blast becoming part of GitHub and the Microsoft family. I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with a lot of brilliant people over the years, and the team I’m on has been exceptional in that regards. It’s fun to continuously learn from great minds … and even more fun to collaborate with them!

In that vein, it was a huge pleasure to get to see the publishing process and be a part of reviewing Jeff Prosise’s new book, Applied Machine Learning and AI for Engineers. Jeff’s a master in this area, and he has a real talent for simplifying and explaining the most complex topics. It was a huge honor to work with him over the last 5 years and a real pleasure to see him publishing again! If you’re wanting to get a firm understanding of AI/ML and its algorithms, I highly recommend his book.

It’s also been fun to get back out into the post-COVID world. I’ve loved getting to return to public speaking, and I can’t wait to do more in 2023! It’s been great meeting so many of you in person, sharing our love for music and technology. You’ve exposed me to lots of new ideas and insights, and hopefully I’ve been able to provide a little something in return.

Probably the most exciting thing about 2022 has been creating content for every week of the year. I set a personal goal to write a post each week, and it’s the New Year’s goal that I managed to keep! Technically, I beat my goal since I managed to recover my first post – a guest piece for MSDN from 2012 – and convert that to Markdown. It has taken some time to write each post, but hopefully they’ve been helpful. It’s definitely been a lot of fun to put them together and to answer your questions along the way. Thanks to everyone that was kind enough to send me an email or message with questions, thoughts, suggestions, and corrections. I’m thankful to be part of such a supportive community!

Wishing everyone the very best in 2023!