Ken Muse
Improved Blogging With Visual Studio Code Tasks
I’ve mentioned a few times that I use Visual Studio Code and Hugo for my blogging. I’ve also discussed some of the the ways I make it faster and easier to create my posts. Learn how I make my VS Code experience faster and easier by using tasks.

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Testing Kubernetes Operators and Controllers With Minikube
Sometimes you need to test an OCI image in Kubernetes. Or perhaps you want to validate a new Helm chart to ensure it will deploy as expected. If you’re trying to build and test components for Kubernetes, Minikube can make that process easier.

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Implementing Private VS Code Extensions for Dev Containers
Did you know that dev containers can have their own private Visual Studio Code extensions? By understanding some of the life cycle of the container, it’s possible to create and use extensions that are designed to support a specific dev container or Codespaces environment.

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How to Handle Step and Job Errors in GitHub Actions
In most cases, we write a CI/CD workflow where all of the steps succeed. If a step fails, the job and workflow fails. But what do we do when we need the workflow to handle a failing step or job?

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Using Dynamic Environment Variables With GitHub
Every wanted to dynamically set (or unset) environment variables in your GitHub Actions? Needing more control over the configuration of your steps? Wanting to configure everything using logic written in the language of your choice rather than just relying on GitHub’s expression syntax? This post will show you how to use a powerful technique to take your workflows to the next level.

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