Ken Muse
How I Blog (or How I Learned to Automate Everything)
A surprising amount of effort (and automation) goes into creating this blog and publishing the content. Writing and hosting content required me to find a set of tools that would be portable and flexible. Over the last few years I’ve found an approach that works for me, and this week I thought I’d share some of the details.

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Top 5 Things To Know About ARC
Actions Runner Controller (ARC) is a powerful way to manage ephemeral, self-hosted GitHub runners. If you’re considering ARC or starting to deploy it, there are five key things to know if you want to be successful using it.

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The Importance of Kubernetes Logs
There’s a lot happening under the covers with Kubernetes. If you really want to master your Kubernetes environment, it begins with understanding the value of a logging and how to implement good logging practices.

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The Magic of Scaling and Auto-Scaling
Scaling systems is a process that is often counter-intuitive. It’s not just about adding more resources. It’s about understanding the bottlenecks and how to overcome them. After years spent troubleshooting highly scaled systems, I’ve learned a few things that can make the journey easier.

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